"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wireless Fest.


DERRY! and the other guy...

Josh Osho

The Dream


Wireless was immense! Just that! Loved everything, even being pushed about in the crowd and the not being able to walk after feeling!

End of Year 13 Prom!


So we had our end of year prom/ball, whatever you wanna call it. 7 years at FCC and it's all over now :(.  Prom was dead though lol, quite boring if I'm honest. The food was decent but the music was rather appalling. I enjoyed dressing up and getting ready with my friend however.

We were laaate and missed the reception, but I'll call that being fashionably late. I wore a dress from Miss Selfridge, just loved the colours and the hem dip thing. Wore my night walks, which according to my head of year where what won me the best dressed award of the night! Was quite pleased tbh.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Loool Ne-Yo is HENCH!

Kristen Drawing

Did this as part of my art final exam project. I don't get my book back until September :(, there are loadsa pictures on there that I wanna post.